Red Fair Isle


 Sweater- H&M,
Gingham Shirt- J.Crew,
Black Watch Skirt- J.Crew,
Beanie- J.Crew (similar),
Boots- Hunter

Well we sure haven't had much snow around here lately. Jacqueline and I got lucky shooting on a day that actually had a bit of snow. I have been digging around finding short sleeve shirts that work with my plaid pants. My classroom room temperature is around 70+ degrees, so cute sweaters will not work. Speaking of sweaters, I hate ugly sweater parties. Not the people who run them, just the concept. First off, if I am going to own a Christmas sweater... it has to be cute (duh)! Second, everyone's definition of ugly is so different. So I am sorry, I will be the one at Christmas parties this year with my cute reindeer sweaters, because when is the next time I can wear those? :) How do you feel about ugly sweater parties?