So coolest thing EVER... My roommate Kylie recommended me to her teacher who has treated people like me with really bad fractured/dislocated elbows in the healing process. Anyways, I met with him and he wants to help me!! I've already had 2 treatments with him and he has made such a difference in my arm! My best extension in my arm has been 15' and my best flexion has been 45'. Today, he got me all the way to 10' and then my flexion all the way to 50'!! He is absolutely amazing. I have been to 4 physical therapists in the past year, that my parents have paid tons of money for and no one has made such a difference in arm. This guy is giving me free treatments and he will use me in his medical journal and he uses a different treatment (like stretching my arm differently and heating it differently) than any of the other doctors have used. Anyways, I am so grateful for my roommate for letting her teacher know about my situation and also for Dr. Draper for his amazing sacrifice and determination. He loves a challenge and man is my arm a stubborn big challenge, I thought my arm was good enough, but he said "No way, we can get it better than that!" He said we will get my arm to 0' and all my doctors said if I got it even to 25' I should be grateful. Man, am I grateful for my improvement. I know with help from my Heavenly Father I can get my arm back to where it should be. Man, this is definitely a answer to a prayer.